Classic Beach Games - Bocce Ball

There is one main commonality between all of these classic beach games, simplicity.  Bocce ball is easy enough for a very young child to understand and enjoy.  How do you play?  This can be summarized in a few words,"Throw the big ball at the little ball, and closest wins."  The small ball that is the target is referred to as the pallino. The game does have a few more minor details like scoring and taking turns throwing, but they are equally easy to pick-up.

Sand comes in many different forms, and that is what makes Booce so much fun on the beach.  Throw the pallino further up the beach into the soft sand and your bocce's will stick, or throw it down near the water where you must account for rolling in your toss.  Bocce ball can literally be payed in any open space.  A good Bocce ball set can range anywhere form $30 - $300.  The Trademark Global set, seen to the left, is a great buy that will last for years and is easy to transport in the case.

1 comment:

buybocce said...

thanks your site is very beautiful......

bocce ball sets